
divaguation du matin

a Brasilian Rain Song sings in my hears
thanks to CocoRosie once again
nights are hot in my bedroom these days ;
I'm restless in the mornings
waking up exhausted and eyes torn from the day before
coffee tastes like shit
a simple worn-out liquid that sticks to the bottom of my cup,
not letting go -
those mornings where
the sun gets excited with all that space up there
and where
having to quit home for work just seems to be like anything else
but ok ;
the clock ticks just like
the beat of the song
I'll soon have to leave
and let go all I could have done here
maybe nothing -
I can go cherish costumers for all day
and try to forget
but how
and what -
morning downtown humanscapes will draw a little hope inside me
like the kid I was used to draw me smily faces
a while ago

I do remember you-


Anonymous Anonyme said...

CocoRosie's are queer maine. I'm so convinced.
Great music indeed.
T'as finie ta session miss?

5:08 p.m.  
Blogger Laurie. said...

not yet
je suis en train de te rocher un travail de 10-12 pages sur un poème de Brault qui en fait 17.
due for anytime today
et je travaille de 6 à 9
et j'attend d'la visite
triple five shit.
un examen lundi et all that crap is over.
"cling cling cling"

9:37 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Cling Cling le 8 juin ma chum.
Hola. :D

3:11 p.m.  

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